

I did my 18k on Saturday, mid-day. I prefer to get my long runs over as early as possible, but starting at 7am wasn't an option in that kind of cold. So I waited until 10:30. It was a balmy -20C (luckily no wind) and it was sloooowww going. Steve and the girls drove around and kept an eye on me for three quarters of the race. The only thing that was cold was my fingers (thanks to extra layers and toe warmers) and while I seriously doubted myself at times and may have at one point wanted to cry because my legs are so tired and this was such a stupid idea and I'm so far from hooooommmmmeeeee, I did it and I know now that if I can do 18k, I can do 21.1k (in four weeks). Steve and the girls checked in on me a few times, driving past and cheering, handing me running beans (like Jelly Belly beans but with extra protein.. Best. Invention. Ever.) and at one point a photographer from the local paper stopped me and asked to take my picture for the paper, since my hat and face mask and eye lashes were all covered in frost.

Anyway, school is cancelled here today, and so is the doctor's office. We made an apple pie and had a dance party in the kitchen. Since it's much more mild today, we might venture out for a walk once the girls awake since Milo's officially gone shack-whacky.

Aaaaannnnddd..... I'm bored. I love the girls and I am enjoying being home with them, but I feel intellectually stumped. I'm sooooo looking forward to going back to school in the fall, but September is far away and I need something before that. I'm looking at Athabasca for a French class or something, but need to find something I can do on my own time, since my work needs to be done in the evenings, or fleetingly during afternoon naps.

Anyway, must run and snoop around that site, also clean kitchen and laundry is in order. I'll be happy once this house sells if for no other reason than having to keep the laundry room clean all the time.

wunderwuman at 1:13 p.m.

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