
Almost Christmas

Holiday frenzy.

Company coming, baking still to do, starting to worry a little about not enough STUFF and oh my gah, MIL is staying overnight and what about Christmas Eve dinner and what if, scratch that, when her and SIL start arguing and the negative comments, and blah blah blah, must clean house and bake.

Cookies tomorrow morning (dough is already made in fridge) and apple pie in the afternoon or the next day. And did I mention that I always end up growling and swearing when making any recipe that calls for use of a rolling pin? Not quite sure what is wrong with me, but seriously. I tried to make gingerbread men the other day and ended up so mad I threw most of the batter out. Good news is, it's a big recipe so we still have many a men and ladies. I'm hoping that the cold dough will make my cookies go much easier tomorrow.

Leila told me three days ago she wanted Santa to bring her a new dolly with pink pants and a shirt. We had asked her about a month ago and she never did make up her mind. Every time we asked, she said she was still thinking about it "for a little while". Until she told her Uncle that she decided on a new dolly with pink pants.

The girls were both in great moods today, and their beautiful innocent faces mixed with a husband home from work, FINALLY managing to clean the house and watching Season One of The Tudors for the fifth night in a row have made for a good, good day. (Seriously. LOVE that show.)

wunderwuman at 9:50 p.m.

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