
Feeling Better

Things seem infinitely better today, and I'm looking forward to getting to NS tomorrow.

The weather here is piss-poor, and therefor the child drop off at the gym is closed (it's closed when schools are cancelled) and therefor Alena is with me for the morning and therefor I had to axe my long run. (The secret is I didn't want to go anyway!) I'm not worried, since it's only Friday and I'll get one in on Monday morning (hopefully).

Yesterday was the longest day ever and while Leila ate her ham and cheese and applesauce for supper and Alena had her sweet potatoes and apple sauce, I stood over the sink shoveling Tostitos dipped in nacho cheese into my mouth. And you know what? It totally made me feel better.

Anyway, much to do while the babe naps.

wunderwuman at 9:35 a.m.

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