
Been Busy

Terry Fox Run went really well. I fundraised $220, and my goal for next year is $500. Steve walked it with the girls while I ran. Although I was expecting a 10k run, it was only 8.5ish ks. But! I ran it in 47 minutes which was under a 6 minute kilometre! That is the best time I've ever run! I am running a race in Charlottetow in October, and am now aiming for under an hour for the 10k. I was very pleased with myself after the race. Pleased enough to have chocolate cake and ice cream last night.

Speaking of which, I have hit a wall with WW. Blah, Another entry though.

Also, Alena must be in a growth spurt of something, because the child is insatiable. It makes me wonder if I'm running out of milk or something, but I just tell myself not to make big plans for a few days, to sit and nurse and nurse and nurse. She had her check and is in the 50th percentile for weight, but above 90th for length! Which surprised me. Although there's no question that she is less chubby than Leila, I was surprised she was so long.

Anyway, just finished paying some bills and waiting for some cheques to cash and am going to try to fit some yoga in this afternoon, nursing baby dependent. Also, some QT with Steve tonight would be nice, since it feels like forever since we've connected. Maybe a bath is in order. However, let's just say that having someone tug on my breasts (and sore nipples:( ) all day is not exactly an aphrodisiac. Despite the BC pills, no post-partum period yet, and so I tested today to a big ol' negative.

Buzz buzz buzz is in the air as we await feedback from Steve's interview hopefully this week. He's leaving for Ottawa on Thursday, his friend is getting a medal of bravery on Friday and there is a half marathon on Sunday. It may make for a long weekend for me. And me, I've just been busy.

wunderwuman at 1:26 p.m.

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