
Tuesday night WW update and Leila is still sick

quick update to say thank heavens for apple sauce, because Leila has survived on it for the past few days. She's still running a low grade fever at times with a running nose and phlegmy cough (that started today) with frighteningly swollen tonsils. She says they don't hurt, but is coming with me to the doctor tomorrow. (Alena and I are sharing an appointment and when I called to tell them that Leila needed to be seen and could have my appointment time if need be, they cheerfully told me there was lots of time!!! for everybody. So I'm happy that she got in, but seriously, what the hell?!?! I'm still so P.O'd she turned away Alena!) Anyhoo. I'm pretty sure this one will require antibiotics and it yells strep throat.

Remind me to write about my thoughts on daycare and returning back to work one evening when I have more time (hah).

The real reason I updated was to say.... I lost 2.8lbs last week which brings me to a grand total of 12lbs!!!. I am very, very pleased and proud of myself. I've been running around 20kms for a few weeks now, and paying close attention to my portion size, and (for those of you not familiar with WW, activity gets you extra food points) I haven't been using my activity points for the sake of using them. Obviously, certian days, I need more food if I've gone for a big or hard run, and then I have it. But if there are points left over in the evening, I don't fill them for the sake of snacking. My goal of pre-pregnancy weight by Christmas is totally achievable!

And now I'm going to lay in bed and read my book.

wunderwuman at 8:41 p.m.

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