
Power Germ takes down number three

Power Bug still rages on. Now I have it and managed to pass it back to Alena. Last night involved, lay down, close eyes, Alena cries, get up, nurse, put her down, lay back down, rinse and repeat, over and over and I lost track of how many times she was up. I was fevered and sweaty or chilled throughout it all. Blegh. Luckily, there was a bottle of milk in the fridge that Steve gave her this morning while I slept. As for now, I feel like I'm functioning at "minimal."

I am driving to NS this weekend (three sick girls! It's going to be great!) and was planning on going Sunday. Tropical Storm Hanna seems to have thwarted my plans as she'll be raging through here that day, so I'm probably leaving Saturday afternoon.

Steve is back to work on Monday, and while we're both ready for life to get back to normal, today it all seems somewhat unmanageable.

Here's to Vitamin C, Tylenol and cough drops and keep your fingers crossed for this bug to hurry up and leave our house.

wunderwuman at 2:09 p.m.

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