
Number 2 better, Number 1 worse

Alena is over the worst of her cold. Now Leila has it. Despite a house full of company, she is doing really well. Running and playing, but taking more time to climb on my or Steve's lap for a cuddle and asks us to hold her like a baby. She says, "Hold me like Mommy baby, my Daddy baby, too." She's warm to the touch and has settled for her nap, which I hope lasts a few hours. She bravely asked her Uncle Matthew to read her a bedtime story last night, but once the book was done, told him to go get Daddy for her prayer and lullaby. :)

I ran 9.5kms this morning, and it was the hardest run in a long, long time. My legs were heavy and tired, and I was having a hard time staying motivated, especially since five of the last six kms are uphill.

The in-laws and Steve are at the ball field (they are here for a tournament this weekend, hence the visit), and both girls are sleeping. I thought about crawling into bed myself, but I've been very restless at night lately (too much on my mind), so I think I'll ignore the messy house and read my book on the couch. My younger brother is coming tomorrow for two nights, and though I quite like getting company, it also makes me treasure any quiet moments I get to myself.

wunderwuman at 1:09 p.m.

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