
On the mend

So Infant's Tylenol works wonders. I also put a folded crib quilt under Alena's mattress to help keep her head a little elevated. She seemed to be feeling a little better by supper (after sleeping most of the afternoon in her swing), but didn't want to lay down at all. I figured the elevated mattress would keep her head from filling up so much. Anyway, either the Tylenol or the raised crib or the combination of both, but she slept, and slept well last night which leaves me feeling much better today, and much less worried. I gave her the last dose of Tylenol at four this morning, and she still napped this morning when we were at the mall and is asleep again now in her swing.

Also, chalk it up to detoxing the bloat incurred from vacation, running 19k and a baby who nursed almost non-stop for four days, but I lost 4.2lbs this week! I was shocked when I got weighed last night. It feels like my goal of 16lbs in 12 weeks is now totally realistic, which makes me very, very pleased.

More blatherings, but mostly I'm just happy that Alena is feeling better and I'm getting a chance to catch up on laundry and sleep.

wunderwuman at 2:33 p.m.

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