
Let's have this conversation in November

So when we were at the cottage and we were constantly smelling the ocean air, and going for walks along the beach (or, err, more like splashing in puddles because it rained almost the whole time), and enjoying swing sets and generally having a great time, Alena decided to step up to the challenge and started sleeping seven, eight, once even nine hours at a stretch. And oh, it was amazing. She'd wake up at four and then I'd change and feed her, plunk her in her swing and she'd sleep until eight.

And then we came home. And then I realized how much she got hooked on the swing. And then I realized I had been swaddling her with this great fleece blanket from the cottage and no blanket we really have is big enough to swaddle her. And so, since we've been home she's been up, three, four, five times a night. And uhhhhhhhhh!!! I know she's only three months old but seriously, this is killing me. So anyway, tonight Steve suggested our thin cotton couch blanket to swaddle, because she is an escape artist, this girl. So while I'm trying to wean her off the swing, I'm also hoping that her arms being securely pinned to her body will stop her from starting herself awake.

In other news, no bottles for this girl. It is such an insult that she gets into hysterics. Also, remember the snowboarding trip Steve has planned for February? He still wants me to go, I still don't really want to. For a bunch of reasons: it's a group of guys who snowboard and I was never that good to begin with, but haven't been on a hill in four years; Steve's reasoning of us "getting away together" seems negated to me by the fact that our younger brothers would be there, plus some friends of his, and really, does that sound like the romantic dinners and long talks that I want on a vacation, or does that sound like me hanging out with the boys?; and lastly, most obviously and definitely most pressingly, I refuse to bring the girls, don't plan on weaning Alena by seven months, and really, those two things just don't add up.

Every time we talk about it, we end up arguing, because he wants me to come. I say that I think we should plan a trip next summer, a long weekend away together, because I just can't leave the girls for five days, I just. Can't. Not with Alena only seven months. Not with his mother (which, oh, the MIL has a whole entry of her own coming really soon).

Blah. So we've left it at we'll discuss it again in November, and although I know it's not really going to be a fun conversation, I also am pretty sure of what the conclusion will be. I give on a lot of things, but weaning my baby early (and if I di decide to wean her at six or seven months, that's one thing, but I refuse to plan on it so I can tag along on a "Guy's Trip", especially since Steve is so convinced this is our last baby) is not something I plan on giving on. (Aside: her staunch refusal of a bottle may very well make my decision to breast feed for a year an easy one.)

So yeah, that's what's been going on. Steve's back to work in a couple weeks, we're headed to the in-laws next week for a birthday dinner, we had Alena baptized while we were away, she continues to plump up quite nicely while Leila constantly amazes me with her conversations and how long her legs seem to be getting. Also, she's been tripping over her own feet more often than not lately, which makes me believe she must be growing. And finally she's started saying I Love You. I yove you, Mommy. It makes my heart melt. Every single time.

wunderwuman at 8:42 p.m.

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