
WW and Blabering

Didn't mean to leave a negative entry for so long, but it's been a long week. First of all, let's just say WW is wayyy harder than last time. I have come to two conclusions as to why. Turns out I am an emotional eater and the (ongoing) stress of car crap (which I refuse to get into but let's just say oh wow the mechanic is a horrible worker and mean mean liar and angerangeranger) and this lingering cold leaving me feeling very blah. But mostly? Wow, not finishing what Leila hasn't eaten is really, really hard. Last time I did WW, she was eating purrees and cheerios. But yogurt and chicken and all these delicious things which I let myself eat off her plate (after mine was cleared) really add up on the points scale. So while I haven't been *hungry* per say, it's taken more getting used to than I expected. And learning how to manage my points so that I don't run out before supper has been hard. But anyway, hopefully for all this I've lost a couple pounds.

Other than that, we are going on vacation in two weeks which is exciting and we finally bought a window air conditioner and that makes the afternoons *much* more bearable.

Alena is doing well and has even given us a couple giggles which makes Steve and I giggle like little kids. Leila has had this explosion of vocabulary but keeps a couple baby words that I love. She calls her belly a "wuggy" and her toes "piggy toes" (because we play piggies). She seems to be getting used to Alena and is less jealous, which has been a major stress reliever for me.

I nixed the idea about a second blog because who am I kidding, I don't have time for that. And lastly, the pill my doctor put me on has no estrogen in it which apparently is what's needed to keep my milk supply? But Michelle, didn't you say you're on Alesse? And also, my MIL told me about how she went on abx for a kidney infection and her milk dried up completely within a few hours. And while I seriously doubt her memory, it has me paranoid that I would have to take them, especially if this sore throat turns out to be strep or something nasty like that. Anyway, does anyone have any imput on this? Because aren't nasty cases of mastitis treated with antibiotics?

Alright, must run.

wunderwuman at 4:11 p.m.

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