
Quick Update of many things

Quick update:
Red meat most definitely upsets Alena's stomach, as was confirmed last night by a loooooong night of crying and fussing and being passed off between Steve and I.

She has her first cold. Sigh. Leila didn't get a cold until she was nine months old, and I knew it wouldn't be as long with Alena, as having a toddler in the house makes it a germ haven, but I was hoping for at least a few months. Nothing serious but a snuffly little baby and runny eyes.

The meeting on Monday was awesome, and I'll try to remember to update about it in more detail.

We have realized that we are slightly living outside of our means and it has resulted in so many money conversations and there is little that stresses me out as much as money conversations.

I joined Weight Watchers tonight. And although it was a bit of a downer to see the number on the scale, I reminded myself that I have lost nearly 25lbs since Alena was born. So my salads for lunch are paying off and also, hurray for breastmilk!

I'm exhausted though since I barely slept last night and my planned nap was axed by Alena who wanted to coo and smile at me all afternoon (which was much more fun than napping anyway).

wunderwuman at 9:02 p.m.

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