
Surprised and Excited

So, we will now definitely have two Geminis.

Doctor's appointment this morning was surprising in that I am now 4 centimetres dilated. I actually didn't know that you could get that far without being in labour, so... He also didn't think I would make it through the weekend, which lifted my spirits. Gave me a somewhat painful Membrane Sweep that although it didn't cause any cramps this morning (which was nice, since I got a short nap while Leila slept) has definitely caused some activity this afternoon.

We have our fingers crossed for soon (as in, tonight would be nice) and my MIL just about choked when I told her what the doctor said, proclaiming that she wouldn't sleep tonight in anticipation of our phone call.

Anyway, if nothing else, it made me feel better than the exhausted just can't do it anymore and everyone is really pissing me off for absolutely no reason except that I am overdue feeling I've been dragging around for the past couple of days. And plus! I'm almost halfway there already!

Funnily enough, when the doctor told me how busy they've been at labour and delivery this week and I mentioned the full moon he gave an "ohhhh, was that this week?" and told me it's always nuts around that time, which surprised me a little, since you know, doctors and superstition. I have to say though, this team of OBs has constantly surprised me (in a good way) and all seem to put a lot of faith into the natural birthing process. At one of my first appointments, I expressed concerns about my labour, since Leila's was so long and hard and even though I had an epi that time, I would like to try for a natural birth. Unlike a lot of doctors (and the phamplets I got from the hospital - which, seriously Michelle, you thought your head exploded when I mentioned induction, when I read about all the benefits of epidurals on this pamphlets, I laughed to myself and thought of you), she was very encouraging about natural childbirth. Anyhoo.

So, as I end every post these days, hopefully I don't write again here until after I have a baby, because, come on... how much longer can this go on? Right? RIIIIIGHT?!?!?

wunderwuman at 2:27 p.m.

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