
An Afternoon to Myself

This morning I got down and dirty, moving furniture, scrubbing Leila's new bed, folding blankets and organizing both of the girls' bedrooms. Good news is, Leila is snugly tucked into her big girl bed tonight and the baby's room is completely ready for the arrival.

This afternoon, I went to the mnall, bought a new nursing bra, some new panties for post-baby and a nursing pillow (something I never had with Leila, but instead used two or three strategically placed cusions at a time - I imagine it will be worth the money spent, albeit a little friviously in order to get the hypo-allergenic, oh-so-soft more expensive one) with the gift cards I found a while ago. So free purchases are always fun. Then I bought a totally fluffy magazine and a coffee, and sat in the coffee shop for over an hour reading the magazing from front to back. After I was done, I wandered around to kill some time and went to pick up Leila. Unfortunately, there has been an outbreak of chicken pox at her daycare. It's in the after-schoolers, which is the group she has the least contact with. I'm happy she's done for the week, but would be keeping her home anyway. Her nose is running again and the cold we all got hit with a couple weeks ago is still circling, so I'm debating keeping her out next week, too. We'll see how she is after the weekend though. And keep your fingers crossed for no pock marks.

Steve is on duty tonight, and therefore spending the night on base, so I'm left to my own devices, which will probably include some yoga, some herbal tea and reading my book in bed. I'm feeling wonderfully relaxed, although tired. Anyway, I'm off to check on Leila to make sure she hasn't climbed out of bed to play and then it's yoga time.

wunderwuman at 6:48 p.m.

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