

So much for resting while Leila rests and having a quiet day in an attempt to get rid of this frigging cold/congestion. In-laws called and are coming "sometime" today. Awesome.

So while Steve lays hardwood (that's right, I'll be entertaining them again by myself, just like every frigging time they come), I am cleaning like a mad (exhausted) woman and wondering why they don't get that "doing construction around the house all weekend" makes for an inoppertune time for a Saturday visit. Also, grumbly at Steve in my mind for not being able to say "not today, please." And, did I mention MIL offered to come stay with us if I went overdue? Uhhhhhhh. I said "We'll iron out all those details if we get there," and then hung up the phone and promptly told Steve no-effing way, which at least we agreed upon.

Anyway, the laundry is piled high, the dust is thick and I need to get to work.

wunderwuman at 11:13 a.m.

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