
Hit Again

So, appropriately enough, in the face of all this BPA chat on the news, my dad has been diagonosed with skin cancer. Basal Cell Carsinoma, more specifically. Good news, he is having it removed April 28, by an agressive surgery which has a 99.7% cure rate for the primary source (96% for secondary). Also, there is no risk of this spreading into his body. So good news there. It's still a little... I don't know, discouraging, I guess.

I've spent a lot of sleepless nights this past month, and more than a few of them have been spent worrying about him. There was Prostate Cancer two years ago (cured), there is a heart condition, that has been labeled as "problem" depending on who you ask (understandably, it frightens my mother, but dad plays it down), and now this. And the killer of it is? He's so frigging healthy. And of course, the whole, he's my dad thing still applies. And Leila's grandad (Ga Ga) and I want him around and I can't help but think sad things, like when Steve told him about his daydream trip to China to run along the Great Wall in ten years, I wondered things that I shouldn't be thinking about to myself.

Anyway, he is in Florida now, with Mom and Liam tomorrow night, and has unfortunately been hit by this same power bug (courtesy of our visit last weekend, I'm sure). I range between sad and thankful, because it could be worse. Though in my self-pitying moments, it's still so unfair. As is obvious right now, I'm feeling a little down about it.

We went for our two-loop walk with swing break again this morning, tomorrow the construction on the floors start, so I'm making a break for it and spending some time with a friend and her tots in the afternoon.

Now I have phone calls to make and a kitchen to clean.

wunderwuman at 10:27 a.m.

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