
Hospital Tours and little blessings

After a failed attempt to get Leila to nap at nine this morning (oh, I knew she wouldn't fall asleep but I was just. so. tired. I tried anyway), we got dressed and went for a walk around the block. We live in a little loop, at the top of which is a swing set and slide. So we walked around twice, the second time stopping for a swing. When we got back into the yard, we threw balls for Milo, kicked her soccer ball and watched the birds flying. Then when we came in, we read a book and I tucked her into bed for a nap.

I think the best things about kids is their wonder at everyday things. I can't remember the last time I watched birds flying across the sky and laughed. Or noticed the different shades of green in the grass. Leila gives me a gift everyday, to be able to see the world from a different perspective. One that moves slower, that has more beautiful things in it. That doesn't focus on bills or table saws or hardwood floors or selling a house. The things that matter are Milo pouncing on a tennis ball. The softeness of the satin on her blanket, the blessing of swinging together. And I think that is the best part of being a parent, the little blessings I get to stop and take in.

We had our hospital tour last night and a breast feeding class. Leila cried and screamed for us not to go once the babysitter was here. She's done this the last couple times this babysitter came over, but never like this. Apparently, she sat on the kitchen floor crying after we were gone, too. We won't be getting sitters this summer anyway, obviously, but I feel very hesitant to leave her with this girl again. MIL believes it's because Leila associates the sitter with us leaving, but when we leave her with any of her grandparents, the girl practically pushes us out the door she likes it so much. So I'm not convinced there's not an underlying issue.

My head started pounding around four yesterday, straight through until morning. Then I blew my nose and coughed up gunk for about twenty minutes straight, which was beyond disgusting and now I understant why I had such a headache, after I saw that crap that was plugging up my sinuses.

Anyway, Leila's been sleeping for an hour and I am starting to crash, so hopefully she stays down for a while longer and I get in a cat nap that will get me through the day.

wunderwuman at 11:00am

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