
Sick again, BH and Baby is still so low

You know, I think that Steve and I are pretty strict parents. Or a strict parental team, as there's no doubt in my mind that he is the tougher one. Oh blame it on pregnancy-related fatigue if you want, but I suspect otherwise. It's a constant battle for me to consistantly discipline Leila. Different matter for a different entry, though.

There are a few things we never wain on, and I completely realize and acknowledge that each family is different and what works is different, but number one, first and foremost, is bedtime. She gets a bath every other night, dried off, has a play (usually her and Steve running around like maniacs), gets dressed, teeth and hair brushed, into bed and a story. She's usually alone in her bed by 6:45. My mom often tells me how early it is, but she always sleeps until 6:30, often 7, so I figure it's a bedtime that works for her. Granted, when she's at Nana and Grandad's house she stays up a whopping 15 minutes later, but I figure it's ok, for a few reasons, mostly because it's only 15 minutes and she enjoys her time with them and doesn't get as much of it as anyone would like, but also because she always sleeps really well there (until 8 Saturday morning!!).

The other thing is eating. She gets lots of choices for breakfast and lunch and snacks. Breakfast usually consists of yogurt, bites of our toast, some sort of fruit and sometimes Cheerios with milk (a current fave), snacks are usually fruit or yogurt (depending on what breakfast was) and lunch varies. Afternoon snack depends on who is feeding her (Steve is more likely to give crackers, I try to get other things into her) and then supper is whatever we are having. She drinks a pile of milk (muh) and loves apple juice (appee juus), I am trying to get her to drink more water, but I think that will come easier as the hotter weather comes. Know what we have for dessert? Orange flavoured Vitamin C. She loves it.

Sure there are things that I know she absolutely won't eat (chili, anything green, carrots, potatos... well, most vegetables), but she eats what we give her for supper, and we make her eat a decent supper. By no means would I ever make her finish everything that's on her plate, but she has to try everything, and has to eat what we know she likes. I'm not saying the kid never has cookies or other treats, but on the whole, she eats well (amazingly well for a toddler) and eats very healthy.

I haven't slept in forever, it seems. My head is totally congested and quite frankly, I'm sick of being sick. I'm hoping that getting away from work, spending more time resting and hopefully exercising will help me stay healthy for the next five weeks, because one thing I really don't want is to give birth when our household is sick. Steve and Leila are both essentially better, but this is lingering with me.

I had a stint of strong contractions yesterday. I woke often through the night (to cough, pee, blow my nose...) and everytime I woke my stomach was hard and tight and I wondered if the BHs were waking me as much as the other stuff. I got to work by eight and until about eleven, I had contractions every five to ten minutes. They started to peter out by eleven, and I didn't have any more after noon. It's a little too early for labour to begin for my liking (35w3d), and I was hoping it wasn't labour as I really don't feel like I would have the energy to give birth right now (not the mention the state of the house, carpet ripped up, one bedroom crowded with furniture, hardwood piled skyhigh in the hallway). Hopefully they're doing something though, and I don't go overdue (dare I wish to go early?).

The baby is just so low, I can feel her head in between my legs as I walk, which never happened with Leila. I searched the accuracy of dating a pregnancy by ultrasound, and although in the first trimester it seems pretty accurate, it can vary as much as ten days either way. But before I got excited, I reminded myself that it's called an Estimated Due Date for a reason, and calculating by the previous period is no more accurate. Hence full term is 37 to 42 weeks.

Anyway, I'm coughing and snuffling and exhausted by my restless night, so I think I'm going to go brush my teeth and crawl back into bed for a couple of hours.

wunderwuman at 9:18 a.m.

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