

Low BP yesterday, so I'm at home today resting and feeling fuzzy at times.

Leila's room is painted, Steve is installing the hard wood himself the weekend following next (keep your fingers crossed for us that it's as easy as the guy at the hardware store promised), headed to NS on Thursday for a meeting (and haircut!) on Firday and then hanging out with my Dad and letting him have "quality time" with Leila AKA Date night!

I've been sleeping horribly, up numerous times to pee or eat, but left wide awake and restless, thinking about All Things Baby or worrying about some family stuff that's going on that I can't talk about yet. That's been keeping me up more than baby, actually.

I think baby is dropped, or at least dropping judging by my inability to go more than 30 minutes without peeing and that odd feeling of something might fall out of my vagina soon. Appt Thursday, last one before the OB, so I'm going to ask her to check my cervix, to confirm or deny what I suspect to have found last week and ask her if baby is engaged, and of course, ask her the question that all doctors, nurses, midwives and doulas must despise... When do you think I'll have this baby? AND PLEASE JUST SAY SOON!

I've concluded that while children are truly the biggest blessing I could ever ask for and I am eternally grateful for both Leila and this baby, and pray that they will stay healthy and strong their whole lives, two pregnancies in two years is a whole lot of being pregnant and quite frankly, I am tired of being a human growth factory.

And now I have to go renew my vehicle inspection.

wunderwuman at 1:31 p.m.

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