
Dropped and Gone for the weekend

Remember how I measured large two weeks ago at 34cms? Know what I measured today? 32.5cms! Baby is very, very low and though I *know* it means little, I can't help but tell myself that it's early to drop so low, especially for a second baby. I try not to get excited, but the fact of the matter is, I am eight months pregnant, full term in two weeks and anxious to meet my baby and looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. I think no matter what anyone tells themselves, every woman in her eigth month hopes to go a little early.

So Leila is sick again, she got sent home from daycare yesterday with a mild fever. I got the doctor to check her over this morning, ears are inflamed and throat is spotted with white flecks. There's a nasty viral infection going around and I hate to give her antibiotics if it's not necessary, so the doctor gave me a perscription in case things got worse this weekend to save us a trip to the ER, swabbed Leila's throat (which was absolutely horrible and traumatising, involving much gagging and screaming) and told me to take her in again on Monday if things weren't better. I'm headed to NS this afternoon, so at my mom's suggestions, I'm going to fill the prescription here before we go in case we need it and the pharamisists won't recogonize an out-of-provence doctor. Good thinking Mom. Also, she is apparently getting a rash? On her chest? I couldn't see it, although I did notice a few spots under her neck last night, I assumed it was just heat irritated by her fever. Anyway, the dr said that a fine "sand paper like" rash is also a sign of Strep (AKA Scarlett Fever, also who knew??) and if she breaks out to give her the antibiotics.

So the sleep situation has been lacking lately, to say the least. I woke at 4:30 this morning, which is (sadly) the best I've slept all week. I wander around the house, from bed to couch to bed and back to couch again, sometimes I get something to eat or drink, every time I pee. I'm tired during the day, obviously, but if I take even so much as a catnap, the restlessness is even worse at night. So basically, I've resigned myself to being tired for the next, let's say.... twenty years or until the kids leave home for college.

Anyway, I have to pack and tidy the house. We are leaving after lunch. Steve is coming alter today in the other car. I hate to bring two cars down, but we are bringing a bed back for Leila and need the whole bac of the SUV, and I was too nervous to go far away without Steve, and we were going to leave Leila at MILs, but then, oh I don't know, she's my little baby girl and I just physically need to be very close to her right now. It worked out well anyway, as she's sick and I wouldn't drop her off there in any case.

Alright, I have a few emails to return and phone calls to make while Leila sleeps.

wunderwuman at 11:15 a.m.

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