
Step Stools, Bras, babies

Feeling much better yesterday and today, and I'm chalking those panicy feelings up to being pretty much completely full of baby and both lookign forward to not being pregnant and to meeting the baby.

We went to Sears and got a step stool for Leila for getting into bed (new bed will come next weekend) and some new facecloths that will be washing only, as the others are stained and being relegated to bum wipes. Also, I tried out my two new Bum Genius diapers (thanks Amanda!) and they are so plush and lush and absorbent, I want to go buy more, more more! Also, tried the Moby Wrap (thanks again, Amanda!!) with Leila. I could only get her onto my hip do to belly protrudence, but she really liked it and it was surprisingly confortable. Way easier than carrying her around. Mental note for when we are out and about. Also, I am excited to use these things on New Baby.

And lastly, hurray for found gift cards, as they totaled up to $100 and I am planning on buying my new nursing bras with them. I have a pink, soft, bamboo nursing bra tucked away in my drawer, but the ones I used with Leila went into the garbage after I weaned her, as they were ratty and worn out. So I will buy a couple. I am going to wait until I'm done work (two more weeks, huzzah!) and take a day to myself, go buy some bras, have a coffee and read my book at the coffee shop. I have two books waiting for me on my night table, and if all goes as planned, both of the girls' rooms will be cleaned out and ready within the next two weeks, which will give me four weeks to read and relax and enjoy the last fleeting moments of "me" time that I will have for quite some time. Let's just say that mild panic attacks would be happening if Steve weren't planning on taking three months parental leave this summer. I get to sleep, Leila gets lots of Daddy time, Steve gets the summer off work, baby gets to bond with her Dad, I don't lose my sanity... positive aspects for the whole family.

And now, while Leila naps, I am going to rest, too.

wunderwuman at 2:36 p.m.

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