

Vagina warning.

Remember how I've been complaining about BH and vaginal fluid and loose bowels and nesting and all of these Labour is APPROACHING symptoms? Well, so I checked my cervix and (I would warn about TMI approaching, but I just talked freely about my vaginal secretions and loose bowels, so if you're still reading, well, here we go) I think I'm about 50% effaced and maybe 1cm dialated. My cervix is definately starting to open.

Now I know that I could walk around 3cms for weeks and still go past May 18, but it seems a little early? Michelle, I thought you might know the most about this, since I can't find anything worth anything and I've been googling my butt off all afternoon, but doesn't the cervix change position right before labour? Tilts forward? Anyhoo, I called my doctor, they said call or go to the hospital. The nurse I spoke to treated me like I was an idiot and said it may not have even been my cervix and only to come in if baby stops moving or I am having regular contractions. I could rant about certian medical professionals' attitudes, but that's for another time, I guess.

Anyway, as I was, err, rooting around and finding my cervix (or perhaps some other object that is mysteriously inside of my vagina that the nurse seems to think I may have found), I think... I think I felt the baby's head.

Have I mentioned lately how excited I am to meet this little one? I've been thinking of her so much, what she might look like, what colour her hair might be, if she might be bald. I'm feeling so nesty and pre-labour-y, the other night I could not stop walking around the house, wandering aimlessly, completely restless, thinking about which cupboards needed to be cleaned out.

Anyway, any advice on cervix positioning, effacing a little early and anything else that may be related would be much appreciated.

And if I end up going until 41 weeks, I will be eating these words, possibly deleting this smug baby will come early entry and shooting daggers at anyone who dares to bring it up again. Hah.

wunderwuman at 6:56 p.m.

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