
Prepare for TMI

According to one of my pregnant books, signs that labour is soon approaching include (but are not limited to):
Nesting Instinct;
Vaginal Discharge;
Braxton Hicks; and
Loose Bowels.
Just so you know, I've had all of those symptoms for a month now, what with being eight (hundred?) months pregnant.

Tomorrow I'm booked for my third prenatal this month. Why three? Oh because the doctor cancelled the other two (one with, one without notice). I haven't seen her since I was 26 weeks, since my Diabetes test, blah blah blah worst health care ever.

Three more weeks of work left. I'd love to stop today and not go back, but the weeks are too long without that level of adult interaction, and the daycare bills are too high without my paycheck and quite frankly, taking care of a toddler all day seems much more exhausting at this point than standing for six hours slicing ham. At least at work, I get scheduled breaks and people talk about stimulating things. Like Britney.

Leila has been sucking her thumb, gnawing on her fingers, poking her cheeks, tugging her ears and sleeping for almost 13 hours a night with two (two!) two hour naps when she's home. All signs pointed to it, and the first two-year-old molar has erupted in a spiky little point sticking out of her gum. She was whiney tonight and cuddly and when I asked her if her mouth hurt she poked her cheek and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes, so I told her to open up and put some Baby Orajel on her gums. She looked surprised and put her finger back in her mouth and then said Mommy!! Whatssat?! and laughed, so assume it made her feel better.

Conmmented on today: how tired I look, how big my belly is getting, how I have started to waddle (side note: I absolutely Do. Not. Waddle. And was insulted and pissed at the {100lbs} woman who told me I did and may or may not have glowered at her), and how the baby is sooooooo high!!! (of course she's high! I have two months left before I give birth!!)

Also on the docket was rude and ignorant customers. Oh wait, it's not rude to ask for sandwich meats from the woman who works in the deli? Errr... my hormones must be starting to rage.

It's Evening Walk Around the Block time to try and help my food digest (read: cut down on heart burn) and let Milo get some fresh air. And then it's lay on the couch and eat time. What? Only two months left, I better start enjoying this Free of Guilt Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream while it lasts.

wunderwuman at 6:46 p.m.

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