
Feels like I'm moving but I go nowhere

You know we picked out a name and Leila says it? She pats my belly and gives kisses and tells strangers about the babeee, mommy babee and says her sister's name. It's jumbled and spoken in toddlerese, so no one really understands what she's saying, but Steve and I always smile at each other above her head.

Also, we moved her into a toddler bed last night and while bed time and morning nap went well, this afternoon we've been up there four times telling her to get back in. Steve is hesitant that it's the right time, but I feel it's just part of her getting out of a crib, and isn't it better now than when we have two?

I'm feeling mostly better except for a lingering cough and this frigging exhaustion. Tomorrow is Easter Dinner at the inlaws and forgive me if I don't really feel like going. Also, work, ugh work on Monday.

In other less whiney news, Happy Birthday Steve!!!

wunderwuman at 3:36 p.m.

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