
Hearts all over the world tonight

I know it's probably the cold, or the pregnancy, or the fact that we're headed into our sixth month of snow, but man I am tired lately. And not just sleepy, but physically drained. Wishing I was headed off to Florida tomorrow with my mom.

It's these days that have always been the hardest. The ones that make you feel like you'll never have enough energy again. Not enough to make dinner or clean the house, let alone head back to work, have company for the weekend, give birth, take care of other human beings.

I used to call it the Mean Reds, but I don't anymore. It's not so all encompassing anymore. Maybe because I just can't sit on the couch doing nothing anymore, because Leila needs clean sheets, and more diapers, and of course, supper. Maybe it's because I have a different perspective on life now, who knows. All I know is that today, this weight on my chest, my shoulders, my head, my eye lids, makes me feel like there will never come a day when I won't be tired, and if only there was someplace I could go, alone, to escape it all.

On a more positive note, Steve is off work for the weekend, I have my prenatal tomorrow, my brother is coming for the weekend, and I gave my notice at work today. So I'm sure by the time Monday rolls around, I will be feeling better and more rested. Won't I???

wunderwuman at 3:59 p.m.

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