
Ramblings but feeling better

I'm starting to feel better today, though still home from work. I slept heavily last night, not even waking when Steve got up at six. Today I've managed to get two loads of laundry into the machine, nothing folded, but at least they're clean. I can also manage up and down the stairs without doubling over in a coughing fit.

My lungs still feel heavy and tired, but I'm headed to the doctor Thursday anyway, so if I'm still coughing, I'll get her to listen to them.

I'm starting to realize how quickly the time is passing, since it's almost the end of March and how much still needs to be done before baby's arrival. I need to buy a bunch of diapers, still, we are planning on painting Leila's room and I want to start transitioning her out of her crib soon. We're going to put the baby in the playpen at first, but I want to lower Leila's matress and make it into a toddler bed so that by the end of summer (at the latest) she's into a real bed and baby is in the crib.

My younger brother is coming this weekend (I can't believe it's Easter already), and we are recruiting him for some heavy lifting furniture shuffling of the girls' things and I think him and Steve are going snowboarding on Saturday, with the warning that they can't go if I'm still sick.

Anyway, I am going to tidy the kitchen a little before having another rest, and I've decided to put in my notice that April 16 will be my last day of work. That's four weeks from now, and four weeks before the baby is due. I'd love to nip off to a tropical vacation by myself for about five days between now and the birth, but I'll settle instead for three days a week to myself for four weeks in four weeks. And during those days I have plans of sitting in coffee shops by myself reading, laying in bed until ten if I please and oh yeah... having a baby.

wunderwuman at 12:22pm

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