
Poor me the mouth-breather

Our Weekend of Love and Relaxation as we hd named it, was a bust. I spent most of it in bed, hacking, sniffling with a headache and fever feeling utterly sorry for myself and slathering vapor rub on my chest.

We managed to get in dinner Friday night, then Saturday morning I went for a mini-facial and got my brows waxed. I came home and crashed, Steve rubbed my back and tucked me in, gave me some Tylenol, closed the blinds and told me to go to sleep. I managed a few hours, which left me feeling good enough to be social at a friend's house for a couple hours before supper. We went out for supper and I started to crash. Afterwards the boys went to a fight and the other firls all went to the mall, but I grabbed a cab and went back to bed. Yesterday was much of the same, except throw in a four hour drive and a few tears of exasperation because WHY is there no medicine I can take besides these flipping cough drops, Tylenol and vapor rub, my lungs are so congested I feel like I can't catch my breath.

Steve's parents saved us the extra two hours it takes to get to their house and back and dropped Leila off here, so I managed to get another hour of sleep before she got home and then I pretty much sat on the couch or at the table in a stupor watching Steve take care of her and trying to smile when she talked to me.

This morning I am eternally grateful for daycare, and while I can still barely breathe, I think I'm on the mend, as I just managed a two hour nap laying down, something I haven't been able to do without triggering a coughing fit (and while we're at it, ohhhhhhhh my back hurts from all this coughing!).

Anyway, wah wah wah is basically all I am saying here. My prenatal was cancelled last week, so I'm in on Thursday, and only four or five more weeks of work left, but at this point, I don't ever want to do anything that requires anything other than jogging pants and lugging a water bottle around the house. I'm getting mighty sick of the smell and taste of menthol and basically, feel quite sorry for myself and pathetic today. Probably best that I'm home alone anyway. Fingers crossed that Leila fights off this bug.

My brian is starting not to work again and this typing is getting harder. I'm off to the couch to mouth-breathe and watch crappy day-time tv.

wunderwuman at 10:25 a.m.

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