
Slippery Driveway

Did I mention that Leila now routinely checks down the back of people's pants for poop? She'll let you knwo, too, if she finds anything. She checked my pants the other day, and declared Bup! Mama. which resulted in Steve's hysterical meltdown.

Also, when I'm making supper she wants Up! Uuuuuuppppp! UuuuupppEEEEEE! NEE UUUPP!!! When she finds something that she wants, it's MEE!!!! as she clutches it to her chest.

We are home now, the driveway is a sheet of glib ice covered by snow. I made a quick (is anything really that quick when lugging a toddler around?) trip to the grocery store this afternoon for some essentials but forgot to get ice. Leila is headed to daycare tomorrow (is that a Heavenly Choir I hear singing?) and I am cleaning with a lunch-date break inbetween loads of laundry and vaccuming.

Silly me had a late afternoon nap instead of doing dishes and it has left me uncharacteristically alert for this time of night. Ah well, the dog needs out to pee and I'm sure I won't take that long to fall asleep (four am is a different story, as that's when the insomnia sets in, resulting in my needs for an afternoon nap, resulting in my alert state at bed time... ah, you get the idea).

wunderwuman at 10:16 p.m.

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