
Productive Sick Day

Leila's down for her second nap of the day. Yes, I am home again with her. She is running constantly out of her nose, coughing a big, hacking cough, and has a low grade fever. I will send her tomorrow though, as it's my last day of work for two weeks. If she needs to be sent home, hopefully Steve can take the afternoon and work from home.

Turns out Milo does not have a UTI. The vet thinks it's something called Spay Incontinence, which happens in maturing dogs, mostly in the winter because of extra weight and being outside less. She gave us some Estrogen pills to give Milo, and said they should start to work within a week. We wrapped them in peanut buttered bread and she gobbled down her treat. Today had been very mild, so I've been putting her outside a lot, and am going to make an effort to get her out more often in the evenings.

I took the girls for a walk, despite Steve's protests because Leila is sick. But Milo and I were going stir crazy and it's only zero today. I bundled Leila up and she seemed to like to get outside too. I had a route in mind, but it ended up taking an hour. Hmm, I think I'm slowing down. She'll nap better for the fresh air though.

Other than that, supper is bubbling on the stove. I cleaned the house, but still need to mop and got a ton of laundry done today, which was nice. We are headed to NS on Thursday afternoon and the boys leave on Friday, and I have my spa afternoon planned. Mom is babysitting Leila for the night, and while I feel really weird leaving her when Steve is so far away, I made dinner plans with a friend in Halifax that I don't get to spend nearly enough time with.

Anyway, I am starting to feel majorly nesty, and getting very antsy to get baby's room ready. I'm going to get out the box of Leila's baby clothes while Steve's away, and when he comes back, we are going to paint. I think we'll do Leila's room at the same time. Her walls are white, but need a fresh coat since realistically, we'll be moving in a couple years and it's easier to do it now than then. Our Real Estate agent told us the absolute worst colour to paint a room was pink :( So I don't know what we'll do. The new baby's room is hardwood, and while Leila's (and ours) has a disgusting shag green carpet in them, we actually have the wood for the two bedrooms (it came with the house). I'm thinking that if we're going to have her room cleared out to paint, we may as well get someone to install the wood then, too. Anyhoo, nesty and broody, as you can see.

I feel like I've gained a lot of weight and am getting fat in the face. Despite my MILs comments about a little bud of a belly I feel freaking ginormous and noticed last night that Leila's spot on my lap is shrinking quickly. My belly was pressing against her back last night. And when I went in to her this morning at four (she woke fevered, sweaty and crying a few times through the night) and tried to cradle her, it just didn't work. I nuzzled her head into my neck and she sighed and farted and squirmed and tried to go to sleep, but in the end, I just put her back in her crib and rubbed her hair until she dozed off.

And even though we decided not to give out name potentials, I can't help but blab a little bit. Kayleigh Anna or Kayleigh May are the top contenders. Hee.

wunderwuman at 2:56 p.m.

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