
Has me tied up in knots, cannot rest for a moment

This entry is brought to you courtesy of my new itouch! I am currently hiding in my room from a basement full of people. I drew myself a bath earlier and used some of my new Dead Sea bath salts, only to realize someone had used all the hot water.

Christmas was filled with wonderful
moments and a handful of tears. But now we have traded in my (quiet) parents company for that of a few men who will drink and play video games all night, not caring or truly understanding how it feels to be 19 weeks pregnant and sorely dissapointed that you didn't get the one thing you
looked forward to all day (read: a bath).

There have been about five entries of various themes that I almost wrote this past week, but none came to pass. Basically I am exhausted and sick of being so, seriously thinking of asking for two weeks personal leave while Steve is in Africa, and trying
to figure out a time to arrange a meeting with the woman in charge of my training program so that we can figure out how and when I can switch to part

Anyway, as fun as this new itouch is, my head is throbbing and my eyes feel tired and burnt with that post-cry burn so I am going to roll over, read a couple pages of my book and as embarrasing as this is, probably fall asleep. I have been restless and wide awake the last few nights, despite serious exhaustion during the days. And to be honest, the fact that I am I only 19 weeks pregnant scares me because what in the world will it be like in my third trimester which is terrifyingly only six short weeks away.

wunderwuman at 7:11 p.m.

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