
Molly Homemaker

A day off well timed with fevered baby. She was restless last night, crying for us, until we rocked her back to sleep two or three times. Very unlike baby, so I was not at all surprised that she slept in late, woke with a warm body and head and has spent less than an hour at a time out of bed so far today. And any of that out of bed time has been in my or Steves arms. Who is also home for the afternoon, sleeping off the last of his bug. So.

I am not going to work until 1 tomorrow (until 10, which kills me) and luckily MIL was coming to sit for the afternoon, as we will be short staffed tomorrow night and I refuse to send my baby to daycare when she is not feeling one hundred percent. Friday, however, I am at the ready to make the call and stay with my babe.

That said, sleepy baby allows me to get a lot of work done, and supper is all ready to throw in the oven this afternoon. One thing about being at work? It makes me enjoy playing Molly Homemaker on my days off.

PS I have the number of a local doula to call and some contact info on a MW Advocacy group for NB. So, yay! Also, possible job news coming my way as some major changes are going on all around me. Will keep you posted.

wunderwuman at 1:31 p.m.

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