

Did I mention Leila hates her high chair now? She is happy for about three seconds (no, not while she is eating, because, quite frankly she does not eat) and then she lifts her arms up to me and grunts. No, she does not say up yet, she says, ehhhhhhh ehhhhhhhhh EEEHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!. We tried taking off the tray and letting her have a placemat and plate (wow, exapmle of pregnancy brain, I just forgot the word for plate. Yikes) at the table, but she gets so excited she just pulls on the placemat and well, you see where this is going. Also? She rarely lets anyone feed her anymore. This is fine with it is applesauce at supper and who cares that the spoon missed her mouth and ended up in her ear/hair/nostril/wait, why are you dumping applesauce on the dog? but at quarter to seven in the morning when my patience is always running a little thin because I have been up for an hour, have to pee AGAIN and my tea is getting cold before I have managed to have more than a sip and it is strawberry yogurt and it is going to be a battle of wills as to who gets to use the spoon, well, lets just say we have not had yogurt for breakfast all week.

In other news, I went for a run yesterday! I had a (glorious!) day off in which I cleaned the house, and I mean, seriously cleaned and went for a 3k run. I thought about five, but have really been enjoying this extra little bit of energy I have lately and did not want to end up asleep on the couch at eight pretending to watch tv. (Instead I ended up on top of Steve. Sorry TMI? But SERIOUSLY, these pregnancy hormones are really good for something if you know what I mean and I think you do) Anyhoo, the run was great and I am off again on Monday and plan on doing it again, maybe 5k this time.

Speaking of pregnancy hormones, I nearly cried when I left Leila at daycare this morning. She was just so. . . excited to hop out of my arms. And I am so happy that she likes going to daycare and pleased we found a place Steve and I are happy with but, sometimes it is still really hard to leave her. Sometimes I am caught between being a mommy and being an employee, you know? Part of me wants to want to stay home, but I just dont. And the other part of me seriously thinks about going part time at work (which is not an option now, but might be by the time I get back from mat leave. Maybe.) but I ask myself how I can have any sort of successful career working 25 hours a week? The answer is that I can't. So am I choosing work over parenthood? Sometimes it feels that way.

Anyway, I am definately enjoying my second trimester so far (all two weeks of it) and just realized that there is a very good possibility that we are going to have another Gemini baby in which case, heaven help us during the teen years because I am Gemini too and oh, just oh. And on that note, I am going to watch tv (or fall asleep while pretending to, at the very least).

wunderwuman at 7:24 p.m.

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