
Blah blah a bunch of stuff

This morning was not so bad. I feel as though it was mostly because I went to bed at nine last night, leaving a messy kitchen and unpacked lunch boxes for Steve. But I was just. So. Tired. I collapsed with the lights on (very strange for me) and slept soundly until seven (thank you Leila!) except for the pee breaks, of course. Plagued by wildly intense dreams still (featuring none other than Christopher Meloni as Detective Elliot Stabler which was, well, fun! and also being chased by a psycho, which was not so fun).

I managed to get all my cleaning done and about half my laundry (but all the beds changed, or at least stripped) before MIL came. She arrived, I had a quick shower and turns out she was just looking for a windbreaker for her 14 year old son which we did not find but I got Leila some winter tights. We came home, everybody had sandwiches, Leila passed out and MIL left so I could rest before our doctor appointment this afternoon.

Yeah, pneumonia was going around the old day care and Leila has been coughing for almost a month, plus this morning she looks to be, uh, yeasty? Steve said he saw it yesterday when he changed her but just thought that day care had put rash cream on her. Also, very red. And it would explain why she has been pulling at herself during naked time looking like she is worried about the pee that is coming. So anyway, I will get her all checked out this afternoon.

On a Stevey note, he has been amazing. Making supper every night and generally taking care of business while I come home like a zombie, too tired to even talk (which is huge for me!), eat, lay on the floor with Leila while she clamours over me. Despite my best intentions and desires, sex has been a little low lately, because quite frankly, I do not have enough energy to roll my ass off the couch, let alone throw the poor guy a blow job more than twice a week.

Speaking of bumps! Mine is growing! And fast. I think somebody had a growth spurt the other weekend and I can now feel that little hard lump that I know is baby. Pants are slowly but surely getting snugger, and MIL told me I had a bump today and that it was quite obvious that I was pregnant. Although I do not think that it is nearly obvious, I think that people who know me and what my body looked like in August can see some growth going on.

Anyway, the doctor appointment is in an hour, so I am going to veg on the couch, and maybe look online for preggo yoga pants.

Update Well hand me the Best Mother Award. Leila has a yeast infection, strep throat or possibly tonsillitis and a potential ear infection.

wunderwuman at 12:14 p.m.

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