
Weight gain worries

You know what is hard? Exercising during the first trimester. I am so freaking exhausted all the time, up at six and home at five thirty, that after supper the absolute LAST thing I want to do is go to the gym. I went for a 45 minute walk today with Leila and Milo and it left me feeling good, and more energized. I know all about the downward spiral, no exercise breeds fatigue and fatigue breeds no exercise, but I really cannot seem to motivate myself. I am thinking of buying an exercise pregnancy DVD and trying to do it three times a week. At least I can do it at home, without having to go anywhere.

Also, I have been really trying not to over eat, but I am so hungry, so quickly, so often. I read a daily guide to what I should be eating and I am way over what they reccommended. Any suggestions? I have a grain/fibre/fruity breakfast with tea (I tried to give up caffiene but with work and Leila, I decided to fight a different battle if you know what I mean, and I still only have my one mug a morning, although oddly enough coffee makes me retch), yogurt and granola bar snack around ten, deli meat sandwich with either cukes on it or carrots on the side (the sandwich is of course, SLATHERED with mustard. Frenchs, not honey this time) and cookies (which I realize should be eliminated) and then either raisins or some sort of cracker or apple or something like that for afternoon snack. Supper is admittedly too carby and I probably over eat but I have been diligent about my goal not to eat after seven thirty. And though I do have a small(ish?) bowl of ice cream often in the evenings, I am great at rationalizing to myself. Haha. Although the last few nights, I have been opting for herbal tea instead of ice cream.

I gained so much weight with Leila, and although I lost it all (though the clothes never fit the same again), I just do not want to gain that much weight again. I look back and there are barely any pictures of me and Leila her first summer because I was so self-conscious about how round my face was, how chubby my arms were. When we were home, I dreaded running into people that I knew because I felt so over weight.

Anyway, Leila is home sick today, although she is pretty much her chipper self, the doctor reccommended keeping her home. She is down for a nap now and I am going to go call my mom.

wunderwuman at 2:13 p.m.

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