
Hump day

Not bad, my day off and I had the house cleaned by ten (minus the kitchen). First prenatal today at 11, though things are looking sketchy for the ultrasound because apparently the local hospital is currently missing a technician. They want to send me to Fredericton, although last time it took me six weeks to get in. I am going to request Moncton and St. John. Makes me wonder what the heck is in store for the more important ultrasounds, like the anatomy one, but maybe they just book way ahead.

Leila is snoring away and I am going to have to wake her for the appointment. It would have been easier to send her to daycare for at least the morning, but I feel like I have barely seen her all week and I miss the little stinker. Which, quite honestly, is such a nice change from feeling frusterated by the end of every day.

The job is so far, so good, although standing on my feet for eight hours a day has me worried about varicose veins. I may update later after my appointment if I have time between the massive mound of laundry, cooking supper, cleaning the kitchen and the 10k run I am supposed to do tonight. Which I guess I should clear with my doctor just to be safe.

wunderwuman at 10:23 a.m.

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