
When in doubt, vacuum!

Steves cousin just took Leila for a couple of hours this afternoon. She called this morning and asked to take her for the whole day, and I said that she could come to get Leila after her morning nap (which on gym days goes until noon) and have her home by afternoon nap (three). She is back home now, and in bed.

I sat on the couch and read my book, but that felt a little underwhelming. I blared the radio and (embarrassingly) vacuumed the floors and cleaned the bathroom. But the music was loud! I was rebellious! Truth be told, I had no idea what to do with myself. But I enjoyed the loud music.

I am going out to dinner tonight with a few other girls and really looking forward to it. I went to the gym this morning and did a light 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. My shins hurt after my run (long) run on Sunday (6.5kms, I know, not really long, but it is my longest of the week) and since I have to do my long run early this week (Friday instead of Sunday) because Steve is going to PEI early Saturday morning for the night, and we are too broke for me to get new sneakers right now, I am trying to save my shins from getting really bad before I get new kicks.

Same weight this week, although I must admit, I am noticing a difference in the definition in my arms, and Steve said my legs are getting bigger. I also found a new doctor who seems nice but is making me get my overdue tetanus shot. I had a consultation yesterday but scheduled a real appointment for two weeks time.

The thing about never knowing when (or where) I will get my period, is that I have no scale by which to measure my haywire emotions. One day I am dizzy and tired and head-achy and bitchy and crampy, the next I am craving a fatiguing workout, even if I just had one, I have so much extra energy. My breasts are tender off and on, I am randomly crampy, randomly moody, randomly craving weird things like a bowl of Cheerios with raisins in it, or better yet, ice cream and raisins. And the thing about all of this, I am left overanalyzing every little symptom and sign as either PMS or pregnancy. Needless to say, I have spent a lot of money in the past six weeks on pregnancy tests, all of which have come up with a big fat negative.

We saw Harry Potter, did I mention? It was disappointing, although as I left the theatre, I remembered that I was disappointed with the book, too, so it was just the story, not the movie. I am excited, however, to go pick up our pre-ordered copy of the new book on Saturday though. What? It was a birthday gift from me to Steve back in March (or at least his birthday was a good excuse to pre-order it).

I have to call some people about job interviews (more on that juicy topic later) and change the laundry around. Also, I have to spy on our new neighbours who are moving in and word on the street is that they are going to run a daycare out of their home. Tomorrow will involve wooing with cookies and Leila dressed in her finest and also her rockin new guitar barrettes.

wunderwuman at 2:45 p.m.

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