
Lamenting the snow

You know Leila loves elbow macaroni with tomato sauce? Loves it. Also, Cheerios. She picks up a Cheerio with her fingers and places it into her opposite hand, then another and another. And then she rams them all into her mouth, spreading her fingers as wide as they can go and scratching her teeth on her palm to make sure she got them all. She gobbles down pasta whenever we give it to her, barely chewing before she grabs more noodles. She makes these delightfully appreciative mmmmmmm ummmmmmmmm noises and ends up with cheeks stained red from the sauce.

I had a dream last night about our wedding, also that I was breastfeeding and then about my (long) dead aunt.

I am still really stiff, but slept alright and all my resting yesterday has paid off. I feel partially mobile, anyway, although I do not think I could pick up Leila yet.

It snowed here last night, and the picture out the window is actually quite beautiful. . . for December. For April, it is a little disheartening.

I am going to hobble upstairs and make myself some toast and maybe even try some gentle stretching. I have not taken any of those muscle relaxers since last night, because they make me feel so stupid and slow, slurring my words and replying slower than I mean to. I will stick with Tylenol today, though, and lament the snow.

wunderwuman at 8:29 a.m.

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