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Busy? Why, yes I have been!

We have listed and sold our house, I have been back and forth to Toronto and back and forth to Nova Scotia. I have addressed and mailed most of the wedding invitations, planning approximately ninety percent of the wedding and weaned Leila. We might be headed to Fredericton on Friday to start looking for a house.

So, as you can see, things have been hectic, although I have been keeping the stress level in check. I had a really good time at home, busy though I was (who knew I had to make decisions about mints for the bathroom?). Mom and I had some really, really good talks. Her and Leila got to spend a lot of time together as I was running around, which was nice for them (Leila is smitten with her Nanny) and really nice for me, because it gave me a much needed break from being the person who changed every diaper and gave every feeding. Maybe I felt a little bad, but mostly I felt pleased with being able to leave her and not worry about getting back in time to nurse her. I also got some new clothes and new bras, which is very exciting. I was cutting back the breastfeeds drastically and then all of a sudden I looked in the mirror at myself and my breasts were smaller than they have been since I got pregnant. Smaller breasts plus new bras equals perkiness once again!

I still need to get shoes, but the whole invitation thing out of the way has made me feel a lot more organized. Also, I am starting to track our finances. Not because of any major concern. The month is over and the bills are paid and we are not in debt, but there is also no money left, and I have this tickling feeling that if we watched what we spent a little more, there would be a couple hundred left over.

On that note, I am off to vacuum and take a bath.

wunderwuman at 1:34 p.m.

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