
Windy day in Fredericton

Here I am in Fredericton, while baby sleeps in a crib in the bathroom (stop judging) and Steve is driving to Oromocto to meet our home inspector. Oh? you say? That is right, we have bought a house, closing date April 2.

It has not held for us the same magic that our first did, and I am not sure if that is more because the first is a little more special or because this was purchased out of requirement and is missing that sheer excitement that came last time.

Very nice house though, and similar to our current one. Within biking distance to the base, over a half acre lot and huge huge basement. So we are happy and looking forward to getting this move behind us.

I am waiting for a friend from high school to come and visit me with her two kids. A little surreal, since the last time we saw each other we were 21 (or so?) without anything so time consuming as children. As I always get when I have not seen someone in a while, I am a little nervous, but on the whole delighted that she is now living close by and we can have get-togethers. She is my only friend (aside from those made after pregnancy) that is married with kids.

Weight Watchers has been a farce this week, what with a birthday party, eating on the road, staying at the in-laws (who eat lots of meat and starch! starch! starch!). I anticipate gaining a pound or so, but that might motivate me to start exercising more. I also bought a bikini yesterday. I am self conscious still about my stretched stomach and love handles, but tried to imagine myself tanned and thought, Well, I am not the first imperfect person to wear a bikini, so buy it I did.

Nothing else, really, except the weight that has been lifted off of my shoulders buy this purchase.

I asked my (future) MIL to keep the colours of the wedding in mind when she purchased her new outfit and she said she did not want to be in the pictures. Steve spoke up and told her that it was not her day and she has to do what she is asked. She is a strange and extremely defensive woman at times and although relationships take time to build, I wonder how close we will ever manage to be. She told Leila that she had mean parents because we refused to let her try a cheesy. Needless to say, I was nervous about what the kid would eat while we were gone for the day, but in the end, she tried a pancake with no syrup because, as MIL said, I know her mom is a little crazy about sugar. I copped to it and said, Yes I am. At least this way there is no confusion about where we stand and what I want my child to eat. Being there makes me feel protective of Steve and the constant passive agressive attackes on him and our parenting style. Even though we were praised at the end of the day, we are always fairly relieved to leave. That said we are headed back tomorrow for a night before returning to Kingston (I miss Milo so much!).

Enough venting about in-laws, and that is about all I have to update. More whimsical (or something) entries once I am back in Kingston. Oh yeah, and an update on the sheer insanity that we went through trying to get down th NB in a snowstorm and why I am now totally convinced that we are desinted never to fly.

wunderwuman at 10:51 a.m.

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