
Baking, babies and birth control

I start writing a lot of entries that never get finished. I get interrupted by a crying baby or Steve or cleaning. I have been trying to write on my own every night, so at least these days of early motherhood are documented somehow.

Life is good, Leila is starting to reach for things and sometimes manages to wrap her little fingers around it. She noticeably prefers some toys over others, some activities over other and some books over others. I have been trying desperately to notice if she is using her left or right hand more, but there does not seem to be a preference yet.

She woke up last night at three, which is much earlier than usual. I changed her and fed her and put her back to bed but I woke up again at half past five with such a bad stomach ache. I got up and walked around the house, had some yogurt and then got the shivers. I changed into flannel pajamas and cuddled back into Steve. My stomach was really upset for the rest of the night and into the morning, so I ditched my run. I will have to go tomorrow but that only makes three for this week. Two months ago I started back on the birth control pill. The doctor told me that the first month I might not have a period but it should start back again by month two. This was the week I was supposed to start my period but all that happened was total exhaustion and a really upset stomach. Last month was the same thing, except I actually vomited. My theory is that the pill is trying to make my body ovulate and have a period but my body is still so post partum, not to mention much too busy making all this milk and is not ready to ovulate. So I get stuck in this limbo of feeling cranky, tired and sick. I am going to call the doctor and book an appointment to change methods of birth control until I am finished breast feeding.

But that brings on the whole issue of what type to use. Condoms are out, I hate them. The diaphragm seems logical until I think about being in the middle of things and having to stop to put it in. With the needle comes the whole extra estrogen in my body while breastfeeding thing. There is this, but I only heard about it after Leila was born and worry about putting a foreign object into my uterus in case it affects me permanently. Does anyone know anything about it? Have you heard of negative side effects or people having fertility problems afterwards?

But the girl just woke up and I have to drop some pants off to get them hemmed and then put together an apple crisp to freeze until Sunday.

wunderwuman at 3:01 p.m.

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