
Gonna make you a star

So blood pressure is up, way up (138/88). Enough that they wanted a home visit last night after supper to re-check and make sure I did not need to be sent to the hospital. It was down a little by the time she stopped by (132/80), but I am still supposed to call at the slightest sign of headaches, tingles, pains or a sense of impending doom, as she called it.

My midwife told me that sometimes blood pressure can blip up a few days before your body is getting ready for labour. I asked her if she thought that this is what it could mean for me and she smiled and told me that if she had a crystal ball, she would be rich and not working, but as it is, she can only tell me what some trends are. That said, I have been having menstrual like cramps since yesterday and am wondering if labour pains can start out this way. On the other hand, I am feeling discouraged about my blood pressure, scared that I will need to be induced eventually and like this baby may never come. At the appointment yesterday, the midwife who did the appointment said If it happens this week, I will miss it because I am not on duty, so I will see you afterwards which filled me with excitement, and then took it al away by telling me I would have a baby in a month at least.

That said, I still packed my hospital bags last night.

Also, the feeling of just not feeling great the last few days has mostly culminated to my chest and throat this morning in what seems to be the beginning of a cough and I wonder if a bug could have sent my blood pressure up, too. This worries me that I will be sick when I deliver and that there will be complications breastfeeding because of germs and a little baby immune system. Although at this point, I am probably just grabbing onto any concern and worrying the hell out of it.

So scheduled for today is dog walking and washing the sheets and making some soup to freeze. I have had a mild headache since bedtime last night, which a Tylenol helped me sleep through and if it is still pestering me in a couple of hours, I am going to give her a call again.

The baby has been swinging her bum around from left to right like a pendulum, making my abdomen look strange and weird shaped. I am tired of her today, tired of being pregnant and ready to share this baby. Or maybe I am just tired and these constant wiggles inside of my body mixed with a slight headache mixed with worrying about almost everything, mixed with a sense of just waiting mixed with a sore body have taken their toll and I am ready to be a mom, not just a mom-to-be. Sigh.

So hopefully the rest of the day dose one of two things. Bring me a baby, or bring me a better mood. Not that I am really cranky, just really tired. . .

wunderwuman at 7:21 a.m.

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