
Maybe its your way of dealing with the pain

No baby yet.

Today I slept in, did laundry, did yoga, walked the dog, did more laundry and am making some pasta sauce for supper tonight. Hopefully tonight we will go for yet another walk.

Yesterday we went to the park for about an hour (ya-hoo for the black flies finally being gone!) then went downtown and poked around the stores for a while, both of us getting lake shoes, and walked around for about and hour and a half. We came home and watched Derailed which was different and darker and actually better than I expected, had (semi-frustrating) sex (since this big lump on my body makes laying down all kinds of uncomfortable, it is hard to, uh, thoroughly enjoy myself), and went for yet another walk.

Our goal was to walk the baby out of me, but it did not seem to work. But since it has been so nice and the flies are gone, we can increase our park time in the evenings to more than throwing sticks in the lake for Milo for ten minutes and actually walk around.

Hopefully this results in an early baby. If not, at least I am getting lots of exercise.

I think that I am going to take the advise of my pregnancy books and start making some extra meals to freeze for after the birth. Last week I was exhausted everyday, which made taking the dog for a walk seem like a huge chore, let alone thinking about cooking anything beyond barbeque chicken possible. After a couple of good nights sleep though, I am feeling better and am going to take a look through my cookbooks and make some meals.

I am still tired though, despite sleeping well, and wonder what it is actually going to be like once the baby comes.

I do not feel different though, which makes me think that the birth might yet be a few weeks away, because aside from my growing discomfort, increasingly frequent Braxton Hicks contractions and need to pee every fifteen minutes tops, I do not sense that anything is about to happen like you always hear.

Anyway, there is pasta sauce calling my name from the stove and some celery and peanut butter waiting to be eaten. Keep your fingers crossed for a baby soon. Please.

wunderwuman at 2:48 p.m.

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