
Sexual content ahead, be forwarned

The midwife came by on Tuesday, everything is going well, as always. I have started taking Evening Primrose Oil to help me not go too far overdue and have been reading the information that she gave me in a binder off and on for the last two days.

The dresser that my mom sent up arrived this morning and I put the baby clothes in it, although the fact that they only fill up one drawer has reaffirmed my opinion that I was really good and totally did not overshop for this kid. Towels, blankets and facecloths? That may be another story entirely, but at least we�re not those parents who has a closet full of frilly pink dresses all sized 0 � 3 months. In fact, we do not have one single frilly dress. We have one really sweet little cotton one that my mom bought for us and actually still has but is going to bring up once the baby is born and one pretty dress that is pink and white striped and I suppose a little more frilly than not, but it is no where near the ballerina-type stuff and Steves grandparents gave us that and I am pretty sure that is what she is going to wear for our baby shower, or Soiree Baby as Steve has been calling it.

Gah, how boring is my journal lately? I realize this and yet I cannot really stop talking or thinking about baby.

Steve has been in charge at work for the last two weeks because his boss is gone, and has been going to physio for his shoulder twice a week and has therefore been really tired, disengaged, not responding to my advances unless his penis is pretty much in my mouth (woah, what is with the horny preggo sex references lately?), saying he is dreading staying at my parents house for two weeks in July, and that he wishes we were not going to Nova Scotia in August since our possession date is July 31. Anyway, this all cumulated into an argument last night where I, of course, started crying and trying to explain that him saying all those things made me feel bad because I do want to go, but also because I hate seeing him so down and tired all the time. He said it feels like we are waiting, waiting, waiting and he just wants something to happen. However, on a good note, it looks like we are going to close this house deal on Saturday, tonight is our last prenatal class, and the weekend is looming just around the corner. As for the waiting, well, it does kind of feel that way, and yet I am trying not to watch the clock or count the days, and also trying to focus on coffee dates and keeping myself busy so that this month does not slowly inch past. From what I hear, the last month feels as long as the first eight combined.

So remember what I said about Sex May? Although my libido has been rampantly out of control this past week or two, it is getting more and more difficult to maneuver my way around the male body, so to speak. This combined with Steves fatigue has not exactly led to a steamy hot session after he gets home from work, although once he gets worked up, he is as amorous as ever. I, on the other hand, am definitely looking forward to non-pregnant sex that can be performed in more than one or two positions and does not envolve grunting while shifting positions or heartburn.

Babies and sex seem to be all I can think about lately.

Speaking of our new house (which I know we were not, but anyway), did I mention it has a sloped bathtub? And a nice deck? And freshly painted walls? And we are going to budget into our mortgage to get our basement finished so we have a tv room downstairs? And unfortunately will need a new roof in like, three years max, but we are going to buy it anyway?

I have been knitting a lot in the past few days, and have knit two bibs and a dishcloth. I think I am due for another visit to my preggo friend who since she is no longer pregnant I guess she is my mommy friend? Anyway, I thought I would bring her biscuits, some dish cloths and two bibs that I knit for her boy. Also, can I just say that at nine pounds that boy was a pretty decent size, since he did not flop around like most newborns? I held him, and although my belly was in the way of giving him a good cuddle, it was not scary, intimidating or frightening in any way. I hope that my baby is not that big (and honestly believe that I would have difficulties delivering a big baby vaginally since I am not the largest of women), at least they do not seem to flop around as much.

Did I mention it is pasta for supper tonight and I am getting hungry! Time to go look for a snack!

wunderwuman at 2:55 p.m.

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