
April showers will hopefully bring May babies

So another nice weekend followed by another nice Monday. While in principle, I am definitely not a fan of southern Ontario, with this sunny spring I am growing fonder and fonder of Kingston. So much so that I am secretly hoping that we do not get posted next July. Although this creeping desire to stay here was probably brought on by the fact that we bought a house this weekend!

We went looking on Saturday again, at a dozen places or so, and actually saw a couple we considered. One in particular, it has bring fresh walls and good sized bedrooms and hardwood floors and is completely open between kitchen, dining room and living room. Our agent called their agent and we were locked in verbal negotiations all of Saturday night. He wanted more money and an earlier closing date. We said that July 31 is absolutely no questions asked the earliest we can go. He wanted more money, we said no. He said he is posted now and needs to pay two mortgages, so it is either two thousand more or an earlier closing date. We said one thousand more and closing at the end of July. He said ok. So we sent off our signed offer and scheduled our home inspection for Tuesday night.

It is not in the country, but in a little subdivision, five minutes walk from a park on the water and a two minute walk from a kiddie park. It is in walking distance to a grocery store, corner store, liquor store, doctor and dentist. The lot is decent sized with a fenced backyard, a nice deck, brick exterior, new windows and central air. The basement needs to be finished, but we are going to put some extra money in the mortgage to get that done within the first few months of being there (translation, before Steve goes back to work). We will need to contract someone to do the drywall, but we will paint and lay the carpet. Our furniture will fit great, although once the basement is finished, we might make it our den and get a new (leather) couch for the upstairs and have it as more of a living room than den.

We went back yesterday afternoon, to see if we could find the house on our own and to poke around the neighbourhood. We wandered around the backyard again, and looked under the deck and pressed our noses up against the windows, and being there again gave both of us a great feeling. We might plant some trees along the fence to make it a little more private, and we might stain the deck this summer, and there are a bunch of things we might do because it is so fun to plan to do things to a place that is your own.

On a side note, I am full term in ten days and have decided that this month there will be no missing out on sex because we are both too tired. I have read all about the benefits of semen ripening the cervix, so this May will henceforth be known as Sex May in the hopes that the baby is born this month, and even more preferably, that she is here before my older brother comes to visit on the 27. I get so tired though, it is amazing. I was fine until about two weeks ago, when the discomfort started creeping in. My feet are often sore and if I stand too long or walk to much they get a little swollen. I have kinks in my back because I have to sleep in the same two positions every night and laying down really is not that comfortable anyway. I wake up sometimes with calf cramps in the middle of the night, and have not slept through the night in at least three of four weeks because I am always up to pee at least two or three times. I get insanely thirsty at night even though I drink enormous amounts of water during the day, and my nighttime thirst does not help my resolve not to drink anything later than eight so I can at least get a few hours of sleep in a row. All that aside, it has been an amazingly easy pregnancy, with absolutely no complications, no blood pressure or diabetes concerns, and not even any morning sickness to complain about.

And now I am in dire need of some peanut butter toast.

wunderwuman at 9:54 a.m.

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