
This month went fast for being eight months pregnant

Steve ran up the stairs of the CN Tower yesterday in 13 minutes, 47 seconds. Hurray for him and all his hard training and a big Congrats! We did not get home until almost one, and his friend is coming over after work for scotch and cigars so our celebratory nookie has been put on hold until Saturday morning, or more realistically late Friday night when Steve comes to bed and wakes me up by poking me in the hip with a boner and drunkenly fumbling his hands over my belly and up my shirt. Oh sorry. TMI? Anyway, I am very proud of him and wonder if he is even more crazy than I thought because he told me his time was not as good as he had hoped and must run the stairs again next year. And then I wondered if I was more than a little crazy when I started coming up with a training schedule for myself on the drive home so that I could run them next year, too. And then when we took our kid to the CN Tower one day that they are old enough to comprehend, she will be amazed that both her parents ran up the stairs. Or she will be 14 and think we are the lamest of the lame and why would you run up when there is an elevator? Gah, you guys are losers. But we shall hope for reaction number one.

In non-running news, the house was bought by another couple. There was a message on the phone last night from the agent that the original deal went through. We figure that they must have been pretty darn close to selling their house in order for it to pan out as quickly for them as it did. So we heaved a little sigh of disappointment at losing what appeared to be a perfect place for us and tried to convince ourselves that we would find something just as good, if not better, and in my heart I felt a little more sad when Steve told me that all he wanted was to live in the country again. We are going to re-visit one and see some more sometime this weekend. I would love for this all to be wrapped up before the baby is born, as I have this horrible thought of us missing out on a great deal because we missed the sign-back date because I was panting at the hospital.

Our average bed-time is around ten, and every night once I get myself situated, what seems to be the training for the Olympics gymnastics team begins in my abdomen. We were driving home last night, and sure enough from ten to about eleven thirty, there was some serious activity going on. Turns out, that is just play time, although I told her to get all her nightly activities out now, as we would really appreciate a good night sleeper. Heh.

Walking Milo has been getting harder and slower, I am amazed that everyday I seem to get a little less mobile. Two nights ago I had about five or six Braxton Hicks contractions while we were watching tv. Not painful, but definitely a noticeable tightening. I tell the voice that says Maybe this baby will come early! to be quiet because thinking that will make for the longest May in the history of Mays.

On that note, I am absolutely starving and have decided it is tome for something to eat.

wunderwuman at 10:01 a.m.

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