
All Gobbly-Gook Inside

Well, what a big weekend. Long story short, we put an offer in on a house in the country. 20 minutes from town, one acre lot, four bedroom home, built-in dishwasher (cha-ching!), above ground pool, well maintained. We should hear back by the end of the day. My parents, of course, are skeptical at best, and think that we are jumping into this much too quickly. We have both nodded and said thank you at their advise and continued on our way (which is a big step for me because often I let their suggestions have far too much impact on my final decision but that is a whole other can of worms and long entry that is not for today). There is a lot to happen yet, even if this offer is accepted this afternoon, before this house would be ours, so I am trying not to get too excited beyond the novelty of making offers on houses that we will turn into homes.

Today is another rainy day and although I want to wait for sun, I will begrudgingly start some more laundry today and use the dryer. I am sending my cord blood collection info out today, probably via FedEx with a certified cheque for a ridiculous amount of money that, hopefully is a waste, in that we never need to use this blood. The application has been sitting beside me for about two weeks now but since there is only five weeks (five weeks!) left until my due date and only two (two!!) until I am full term, it really needs to get done. Also what needs to get done is walking the dog in the pouring rain, which is less than appealing. Since the black flies have come out at the park, we have all but boycotted her nightly swims with the hopes that the black fly season here is short and that she will get used to walks around the block again instead of the freedom of chasing squirrels and sticks.

Hopefully my update this afternoon is good news, and we are home owners by the end of the week. If not, it is back to the drawing board or bungalows with small bedrooms, weird coloured walls and small backyards. Sigh.

wunderwuman at 10:11 a.m.

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