
Everybody let their hair down

So French coffee group was a no go due to the weather this morning, unfortunately, I will have to wait until next week.

Last night we finally got around to buying a mat for the tub so that it is not quite so slippery, except the mat does not seem to stick to the floor of the tub (proof that it is in fact, the slipperiest tub in the world) and half slides around if you put too much of your weight along the edges. Oops.

Also? I am totally buying those big squares that stick together like a puzzle to make a soft foam covering for the floor for the nursery. The house we are in is hardwood and the bedrooms are linoleum (I know, ugly) and we were planning on getting a nice mat but I think we will get those instead. No vacuuming required and the dog fur should come off when swept. And of course, if I ever finish the rug I am working on, that will be in there, too. And for your information I have been busy knitting and doing other things and have not really had a chance to work on it. But tonight is night one of American Idol and it is my weekly thing that I hook while watching that show. Of course, at that rate, I will be finished this rug when my kid turns three. Meh.

I have been inexplicably tired lately and wonder if my iron is getting low. Not for lack of iron-rich foods in my diet, but I know it can happen quickly during pregnancy. Although, taking iron supplements would be a last resort for me because, well, because I like having a daily poop and I hate prune juice. Although I did learn during my first trimester that it is much less disgusting and almost not bad in a my-grandfather-drinks-this-every-morning-and-he-is-75-and-still-healthy-even-though-he-drinks-like-a-fish-and-smokes-a-pack-a-day kind of way when you mix it with apple juice. But still. I would much rather a glass of milk.

So this growing baby seems to be successfully squishing all my organs, including my stomach. I go from completely full to ravenous in about point three seconds, and yet even when I am hungry, it seems that somehow my digestive system forgot about those last three bites until I lay down at which point it feels like they are regurgitating into my throat. Seriously. Tums help the heartburn but what actually makes the food go down? A spoonful of sugar? I have my doubts. In other (you guessed it) baby news. I have been getting kicked harder. Although it seems like they are coming less frequent, they are definitely bigger and more assertive. Hello! Mom! Here I am! I know I sleep for long periods of time but try not to forget about me! What is this? Your kidney? Not anymore!! Oh the joys. That said my mental state has been much better the last few days. And still no stretch marks at 25 weeks, which makes me so happy. I am not sure if it is because they are yet to come or the stretch mark avoiding cream I bought and have been slathering on myself daily actually works, but here is to another 12 weeks of a stretch mark free body! Also, my belly button? Still an innie. I asked my mom when they usually pop out (because I thought it was before now) and she said she did not know, but that hers never did. I guess I will not get to have that funny bump in the middle of my shirt afterall.

Last night I was pretending to be a zombie and following Steve around the house moaning HUMAN FLESH! I NEED TO EAT HUMAN FLESH! until he turned the tables, attacked me and started biting my back yelling Human Flesh! while I squealed like the helpless preggo that I am. Lets just say it had escalated to Human Flesh being my nick name for the night by the time we went to bed. Good night Human Flesh, I love you.

Alright, I am off to make some apple sauce with the apples I bought, ahem, almost two weeks ago, before they all go bad and ended up being a complete waste.

wunderwuman at 2:42 p.m.

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