
Cranky Pants Kait so here is a meme instead of an entry

1.Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? No, I just wipe it on my shirt
2. Have you ever puked at a bar or club? Hah, yes. And often just outside in the snowbank.
3. What�s the largest age difference between yourself and a person you dated? Two years and a bit
4. Have you ever dated someone you met online? No
4. Have you ever smoked pot at a concert? Yes
5. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a coworker? Uh, I believe so
6. If so, how did that turn out? I think he told me that he did not want a relationship or something along those lines
7. Ever been involved in a hit & run? No
8. Have you ever been in love? Yes
9. Have you ever been on a blind date? No
10. Are looks important? Yeah, but it is more being attracted to the person than how they measure up to a certian standard
11. Do you have any friends that you�ve known for 15 years or more? Amanda
12. By what age would you like to be married? Honestly? Like 26. But who knows what will happen between now and then. All I will say is I am not getting married pregnant, and this one was a suprise. Obviously, we will be a little more careful afterwards, but it has been known to happen
13. Does the number of people a person�s slept with affect your view of them? I would like to say no, but in all honesty it does. Not 20, not even 30, but when someone goes into one night stand after one night stand and their numbers are almost in the triple digits, then I wonder what is going on in their head.
14. Have you ever sacrificed yourself so your friend can get in good with a person of the opposite sex? No
15. Have you ever drank milk that was past the expiration date? No. I am flexible with yogurt and could care less about cheese but I am suspicious to drink milk even on the last day.
16. Have you ever dated/messed around with a friends ex? Yeah. She was not a close friend, but we played rugby together. But then me and that guy dated for, like, eight months.
17. Ever mess around with a married person? I have kissed a married man at a bar. More than once. Ok, more than twice. It was the same guy, but I drew the line at going home with him
18. Are you a good tipper? Yeah, if the person deserves a good tip.
19. What�s the most you have spent for a haircut? Almost 200
20. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? God yes.
21. Do you know all the words to the first verse of Ice Ice Baby? Hah, no.
22. Have you ever had crispy bangs? I have had bangs, but what are crispy bangs? Actually, I liked my bangs, but I grew them out because I could never wear a toque without getting horrible hat head. You know you are Canadian when, eh?
23. What was the worst style of the 80�s? Flourescents
24. Have you ever peed in public? Many a time

wunderwuman at 9:29 a.m.

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