
We might never worry about the fall, I guess thats just the cowboy in us all

You know you love your dog when you take her for a walk even though it is blustering a combination of snow and rain outside only to get home a half an hour later with a layer of ice covering your jacket. Brrr!!!

I usually wear my snow pants when I take Milo for a walk because our route is really windy. Yesterday was so mild I was sweating the whole time so today I just wore my sweats. Unfortunately, it has gotten cold again and the wind cut right through my pants. It is going to take a mug of tea or hot chocolate to get me warmed up I think.

So, my mom is having a baby shower for me in July. I am going to be home in both July and August and she asked me when I would rather have it. I said July because we are only going to be home for less than ten days, and that way I can get in more than half the mandatory visits we would have to do in one afternoon at home. There are still some people I will want to go see, but this will be a lot easier I suspect. Anyway, Mom and I were talking about gifts and stuff, and as my family is getting lots of practice in buying baby gifts in the last year (ours will be the fifth baby in like, fifteen months!) they tend to split of big things that the parents need. Obviously, we will already have everything that we need by then, so Mom suggested a high chair, a car seat for after she moves out of the infant one, a turbo backpack (you know those ones that you can carry your toddler in and they kind of look like a lawn chair on your back and when you see a baby in one you think that it looks like a pretty good way to get around town and too bad they do not make them for adults?) which sounds like a great idea to me, since it seems that at about eight or nine months comes another big buying spree as your baby starts to get into toddler stuff. So, like, my aunts will probably split on a highchair or something. Anyway, there are baby registries that you can sign up for and make your wish list or whatever. Should I? Or should I just let people get what they want? I half feel like a baby registry is inappropriate somehow? Let me know your thoughts and what seems like the right thing to do here.

It is funny how predictable Milo is. After Steve leaves, she crawls onto the bed with me and we sleep for a while longer. When I get out of bed, I have about an hour (absolute max) before she starts whining and crying and pacing to go for a walk. So I eat my yogurt and banana and get changed, at which point she starts to freak out because she knows it is time (so I put her outside to wait for me). As I put on my shoes I can hear her whining beside the door, like we did not do this everyday and like she thinks she is trapped out there for-EVER! MOM WOULD YOU HURRY UP ALREADY?! So when I open the door and she jumps and smells the leash she runs down the steps and runs in circles, grabbing whatever ball she has that is laying in the yard until I tell her to come and sit down. She sits but can barely stay still and squirms her butt on the ground. So then we are off, and she pulls and gets the leash tangled in her legs and the bushes for the first half of the walk until she calms down. The second half of the walk she is much more calm and trots along, smelling the ground and peeing on corners and yards. Once we get home, I give her a quick brush and she runs in the house checks the rooms to make sure that while we were gone nothing happened and that Steve is not hiding somewhere, then I give her a treat and she attacks her kibbles like there is nothing more delicious in the world, crunching and gulping and slurping her water. Usually by this point I am checking my email and blogs. Since she will not come in the spare room (there are no mats), she lays down on her bed (which has a direct view into this room) and watches me until she falls asleep or I leave. Her energy level goes from 100 to 10 in a matter of one hour. It did not used to be like that, but this summer she started to calm down and not be always so hyper, I guess she outgrew the puppy in her and is now turning into a lazy old dog.

Anyway, it is obvious that nothing much is going on when I write a whole entry about walking my dog. Heh. Time to find something to eat.

wunderwuman at 11:22 a.m.

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