
Sweet sweet baby, life is crazy

Well, yesterday was the big day. And I am proud to report that not only was my initial gut feeling (which settled in almost as soon as I found out I was pregnant) correct, but that we are going to be welcoming a little girl into our family! The technician asked us at the beginning if we wanted to know, and of course we said yes. About half way through he told us that he might not be able to see because the baby was sitting with legs crossed. A little while later, he asked what we thought the baby was, and Steve said he thought boy while I thought girl. He smiled and looked at me and said I was right, we would have everything pink. Of course, I got choked up.

Because of what the other technician said, we have been thinking about boys from week 14 until now, but yesterday we went to Sears to look at all the baby stuff. We bought a pair of booties for the Christening, a little story book and a stuffed doggie, officially our first baby purchases. We have decided not to overload on pink just incase it comes out a boy. The technician said he was ninety percent sure, and I am pretty much convinced, but Steve says that because of what the first technician said, he is only half convinced. I thought he was a little disappointed, as he had his heart set on a boy, but he says he is not at all and quite happy. So, anyway, we are going to try to stick to yellows and greens and whites until baby-day. But Hurray!

On another note. Instead of hugging the pillow like I usually do to convince myself to sleep on my side (I would hug Steve but he is a human furnace), last night I put it between my knees. And it totally helped! I slept more and when I woke up I was not as uncomfortable and did not have as hard a time falling back asleep. So I was happy about that.

And now it is time for my grapefruit and toast and getting around to finish tidying up. Have a good weekend everyone!

wunderwuman at 8:49 a.m.

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