
I know you and you know me

Well, I finally got around to making that pie. I just took it out of the oven, and while it probably does not come close to my mothers apple pies, it looks and smells pretty good.

I am a pretty good cook. I have always really enjoyed cooking and since Steve and I have lived together, I have started to bake more and found that I like that a lot too. I know a lot of people who say they dread cooking, but for me it is really relaxing and satisfying. That said? Pie crust is my nemesis. They say be careful not to handle pastry too much or else it crumbles. And I get this in theory but man, it just never does what I want it to do. It never rolls like I want or sits in the pan like I want. Grrr, pie crust.

So we are officially common-law as of today. Steve took my birth certificate in and simple as, ahem, pie, I am now his next of kin, common law wife and privy to his medical plan. Heh. Now the only thing left to do is get my OHIP card. That and find the receipt for the fridge so that the moving company will reimburse us the damage.

So for Christmas (I think I already mentioned this), my parents gave me some casserole dishes, a pie plate and three mugs that matched one I already had. They are Emile Henry dishes and can I just say that they are amazing? Talk about easy to clean, not to mention so very pretty. I love them. They are a little on the pricey side, but I think I am going to buy the teapot that goes with my mugs sometime this winter. Also? It is my secret plan that when we get married, an Emile Henry dish set is one of the things we are going to register for. . . wherever it is that one does those things. They are really nice dishes, so much prettier than the black and gray ones we have now, but thick and ceramic like Steve likes. So we both win.

I have been really tired lately, and getting bad cramps. My intestines have not fully recovered since the DR and have been tormenting me with constipation or diarrhea, but never just my normal self. I woke up last night to cramping, and of course all of this is a little more worrisome because of my pregnancy. Also, hurray for my ultrasound Thursday! I am so excited, I so hope that the technician sees what we are having and will tell us.

But now I must run, so a bientot.

wunderwuman at 4:24 p.m.

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